Ferbane Wastewater Treatment Works, Offaly



    We were appointed to carry out a suitability assessment report for the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels at Ferbane Wastewater Treatment Plant (WwTP). To assess the feasibility of the proposed Solar PV installation a site walkover was carried out to measure potential shading obstacles such as buildings, trees, tanks and fences. During the site walkover suitable areas for the Solar PV array are identified which are then modelled using PV Sol 3D software. The array capacity was sized to minimise overspill to the grid and utilise all the energy generated to power the treatment site.

    The energy generated by the PV array will be utilised on-site and will reduce the CO2 emissions from the site. The Solar PV array will provide 12% of the WwTP’s overall energy consumption.

    We have managed the planning stage and have provided a full suite of planning documents including Drawings, Planning reports, AA Screening, EIAR Screening, Invasive Species Surveys, Flood Risk Assessment and Glint and Glare Assessment reports.

    Upon completion of the works, the 45kWp Solar PV system will generate 37,000kWh/year and spill 114kWh/year to the grid. 11.4% of the WwTPs energy requirement will be met by solar power and the plants CO2 emissions will be reduced by 12 tonnes/year.

    The generated PV energy will reduce the electrical bill by €4,900 in year 1 and will provide a simple payback period for the estimated €45,700 capital investment within 13.3 years. The accrued cashflow over the 25-year lifetime of the system was calculated to be €33,000.

    Client: Irish Water
    Location: Co. Offaly
    Value: €60,000