    Planning & Licencing

    The N17 National Primary route runs between Sligo and Galway and forms part of the Atlantic Corridor linking Letterkenny with Waterford. This scheme commences just south of the Ballygaddy Junction, where it ties into the N17/N18 Gort to Tuam PPP Scheme to the north-west of Tuam at Airgloony.

    The scheme consists of 25km of Type 2 dual carriageway and 0.65km of realigned Tuam Bypass Type 2 dual carriageway. There are three grade separated junctions, one side road underbridge, 10 side road overbridges, two river bridges, three stream bridges. It also incorporates watercourse crossings in Special Areas of Conservation, two rail underbridges and two accommodation underpasses.

    We were appointed by Galway County Council to carry out a Constraints Study, Route Selection, Public Consultations, Preliminary Design, Planning application and associated Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR). A scheme appraisal was carried out in accordance with the current version of the Transport Infrastructure Ireland Project Appraisal Guidelines.

    Client: Galway County Council
    Location: Co. Galway
    Value: €150 Million