River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme, Wicklow
The purpose of the scheme was to protect the town of Bray, County Wicklow from flooding from the River Dargle. The Works consisted of the design and construction of flood defences, river widening and regrading along the lower reaches of the River Dargle. The works extended over approximately 3.3 km of the river from the N11 Bridge to the DART Harbour Bridge. The flood defences were required to provide protection against a 1 in 100 year fluvial flood and 1 in 200 year tidal flood. The Works also included the design and construction of 7mx4m culvert adjacent to Bray Bridge, the only vehicular bridge in Bray Town, to act as a fourth arch to the bridge.
The Scheme comprised of a variety of flood defences including construction of new sections of earth embankments, demolition and rebuilding of river walls with extensive stone and timber/timber-type facing, channel excavation and regrading, and river bank strengthening. A range of landscape treatments in and adjacent to the river are proposed to mitigate the impacts of the scheme on the local environment along the river corridor.
Client: | Bray Town Council |
Location: | Co. Wicklow |
Value: | Undisclosed |