Published: September 10, 2024
Further to previous project updates, Cavan County Council continues to progress the development of the N3 Virginia Bypass project, and we wish to inform you of the progress achieved.
The overarching objective adopted in the design of the N3 Virginia Bypass has been to address the safety deficits that currently prevail on the existing N3 between the Derver roundabout at the Cavan / Meath County Boundary and Lisgrea, to the north of Virginia Town. The development of the design has considered alternative modes of transport with the intention of supporting and encouraging sustainable travel.
Following detailed appraisal, the following key decisions are included in this design update:
In addition to the above, the mainline road-based corridor has now been refined and the width reduced from the typical 300m wide corridor to a typical 150m wide corridor. The junction, side road and active travel corridors have also been refined.
The design presented at this time does not include proposed fence lines and the corridor shown does not represent the actual width of the Scheme or the lands to be acquired. The exact details of the extent of lands to be acquired will be finalised following completion of the key design elements of the project, including the mainline alignment, junctions, side roads, active travel infrastructure, transport park and share hubs, drainage (including attenuation ponds and outfalls), potential areas for material extraction and deposition, landscaping and environmental measures (including habitat enhancement / reinstatement and mitigation), accommodation works and all associated ancillary works (such as diversion of services, temporary site compounds and the like). Please note, the final Scheme design may extend beyond the refined corridor shown.
It is important to note that this update forms part of a developing design and environmental assessment process and therefore remains subject to change and refinement over the coming months. It is intended that we will present an update of the design drawings before the end of Quarter 1 2025.
As an integral part of the above design process, we will continue to meet with stakeholders and specifically the impacted land or property owners. Arrangements will be made for affected landowners to meet with the project team to discuss the Scheme in more detail, including any individual accommodation works requirements. These meetings are envisaged to take place in November / December 2024 and arrangements will be made in due course.