Last reviewed: November 29, 2024

Project Update - September 2024

Developing Design

Further to previous project updates, Cavan County Council continues to progress the development of the N3 Virginia Bypass project, and we wish to inform you of the progress achieved.

The overarching objective adopted in the design of the N3 Virginia Bypass has been to address the safety deficits that currently prevail on the existing N3 between the Derver roundabout at the Cavan / Meath County Boundary and Lisgrea, to the north of Virginia Town. The development of the design has considered alternative modes of transport with the intention of supporting and encouraging sustainable travel. [READ MORE...]

Published September 10, 2024

June 2023 Update

Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation)

Approval to proceed to Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation) has been received from Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). The purpose of this phase is to develop the design of the Preferred Transport Solution, including the mainline alignment and cross-section, the junction strategy and locations, side road arrangements, active travel facilities, transport park and share hubs (mobility hubs) and land take requirements.

As the design reaches a level of maturity where informed discussions can take place, the N3 Virginia Bypass team will consult directly with potentially impacted land and property owners on the developing design.

Published June 23, 2023

May 2023 Update

Preferred Transport Solution

The Preferred Transport Solution for the N3 Virginia Bypass has now been confirmed and comprises a number of components which together create an integrated solution that will encourage people to make lower carbon travel choices:

  • The Active Travel Component will incorporate walking / cycling facilities along the full length of the scheme and link roads and will connect with existing footways in Virginia and Maghera as well as connectivity to other key trip attractors, where feasible. Bike parking and charging facilities for electric bikes will also be incorporated.
  • For the Public Transport Component - The implementation of the road based component of the Preferred Transport Solution will improve journey time reliability for Buses and can facilitate the improvement for Bus Services by removing congestion. Transport Park & Share Hubs (Mobility Hubs) will be provided at either end of the scheme and these hubs will provide safe access to bus services, safe parking, charging facilities for electric vehicles and electric bikes, and will also be accessible via road and the active travel facilities.
  • Demand Management measures within Virginia Town shall also be implemented as part of the scheme, with measures to be developed during Phase 3 that will include: implementation of a 30km/h speed limit within Virginia Town and the removal of strategic HGV traffic by adopting a HGV / Axle ban within the town (except for deliveries within the town).
  • The Road Infrastructure Component is c.14.5km in length and commences at the end of the N3 Dual Carriageway at Derver in Co. Meath and continues in a northerly direction into Co. Cavan, bypassing to the east side of Whitegate Cross, east of Maghera and east of Virginia Town before continuing north of Virginia Town, following along / adjacent to the existing N3 and terminating to the north side of Lisgrea Cross. The road-based corridor also includes a link to the existing N3 on the south side of Virginia, named the Burrencarragh Link Road and a link to the north side of Virginia to the R194 regional road, named the R194 Ballyjamesduff Link Road. The road cross section will be confirmed during Phase 3.

Public Display

A public display of the Preferred Transport Solution will begin on 16th May 2023 and will run until 16th June 2023. The Preferred Transport Solution Drawings and Brochure as well as the Option Selection Report, which documents the process of selecting the Preferred Transport Solution and outlines the rationale and criteria applied in the selection of the solution can be viewed or downloaded via the Publications page.

The Option Selection Report can also be inspected at the following offices of Cavan County Council:

  • Customer Services Desk, Second Floor, Johnston Centre, Farnham Street, Cavan H12 C9K1.
  • Ballyjamesduff Municipal District Office - Courthouse, Virginia, Co. Cavan A82 F8C8.

Large scale drawings are also on display in the window of Virginia Show Centre, The Showgrounds, Virginia, Co. Cavan A82 A9X2.

September 2022 Update

The project is currently approaching the end of Phase 2 (Options Selection).

Cavan County Council are progressing various investigations and surveys which will be used to inform Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation) of the scheme. These investigations and surveys will be considered by the Project Team when designing the road alignment and proposed mitigation measures. The survey works will be carried out by a competent contractor meeting the various Health and Safety Requirements and having appropriate insurance in place. Our survey teams are required to work within the current Covid-19 guidance and regulations.

Cavan County Council would like to thank all landowners and property holders for their ongoing co-operation and assistance during the investigations and surveys.

Site Investigation

Cavan County Council have commissioned IGSL Ltd to carry out Site Investigation works at various locations along the scheme. The works commenced on site in late September and are currently ongoing. The data obtained will be used by the project team in designing the road scheme and identifying land take. Letters, outlining the proposed works to be undertaken and details of compensation payments, have been issued to affected landowners. The Site Investigation locations are primarily within fields along the corridor but will include some locations adjacent to public roads. We would expect minimal impact on road users during the works.

Topographical Survey

Cavan County Council have commissioned TST Engineering Ltd to carry out topographical surveys at various locations along the scheme. The survey will commence on site in early October. The survey locations are primarily based along the N3 corridor, regional and local roads, and along various watercourses in the area. In some locations the survey area extends outside of the corridor boundary - this is typically because we need to survey the side roads and local roads adjoining the N3, watercourses adjacent to the scheme, or areas where interchanges/junctions are being considered. We would expect minimal impact on road users during the surveys.

Archaeological Geophysical Survey

The Project Team are in the process of preparing Tender Documents to carry out geophysical surveys relating to potential archaeological features at various locations along the scheme. These surveys are scheduled to commence in late 2022 but dates will be confirmed later in the year. The surveys will take place within fields at various locations along the scheme. We anticipate minimal impact on road users during the surveys.

Environmental Surveys

The Project Team has engaged the services of environmental specialists to carry out Environmental surveys (eg. Bat, Bird, Barn Owl, Flora, Fauna, Aquatic, Ecology) for the development of the scheme. These specialists will be carrying out surveys/site visits over the coming months at various locations within the Study Area. The environmental specialists will hold identification and a letter of introduction from Cavan County Council. As part of this process the environmental specialists will be deploying equipment to record activity at sites along the scheme. Deployment locations will generally be along hedgerows, riverbanks, patches of trees, or close to other habitat features of interest.

Traffic Surveys

Cavan County Council have commissioned IDASO Ltd to carry out traffic surveys at various locations in the region. The traffic surveys will be undertaken over two weeks commencing on Monday 10th October 2022. The traffic survey locations are primarily based along the N3 corridor but will include locations on connecting regional and local roads. We would expect minimal impact on road users during the installation and removal of traffic survey equipment by IDASO and no subsequent impacts during the operational phase of the surveys.

May 2022 Update

The project is currently approaching the end of Phase 2 (Options Selection). The next phase of the project is Phase 3 (Design and Environmental Evaluation) and the commencement of this phase is subject to TII approval.

To keep the scheme progressing, we are running tender competitions for various investigations and surveys.

We are programming these investigations and surveys to take place during the second half of 2022, subject to funding approvals. Prior to land entry, Landowners will be notified in advance of the type, duration and commencement date of the investigation or survey to be carried out.

Public Consultation No.3

A third period of non-statutory public consultation seeking feedback on the Emerging Preferred Option Corridor commenced on Thursday 19th August 2021 and ran until Monday 13th September 2021.

The Emerging Preferred Option Corridor was published on the project website at, a virtual room created for the project at and the Cavan County Council website at Details of the Emerging Preferred Option Corridor were also published through local media and social media that week.

Preliminary Ground Investigation Contract

Cavan County Council wish to advise that they have awarded a contract for Preliminary Ground Investigation works in the N3 Virginia Bypass study area.

The Preliminary Site Investigation Works, involving ground probing, shall be carried out by contractors on behalf of Cavan County Council and will provide information on soft ground conditions. The information obtained will inform the design development and the establishment of an Emerging Preferred Option.

Aerial Survey

Cavan County Council wish to advise that they have awarded a contract for an Aerial Survey of the N3 Virginia Bypass study area.

This survey will provide up to date information that will assist the development of the scheme.

The survey shall be carried out in a low flying aircraft and is envisaged to be flown on Friday 2nd April 2021, during suitable weather conditions. The aircraft will be flying in the area for up to 2 hours

Phase 2: Option Selection

Public Consultation No 2: Cavan County Council are extending the online public consultation period and request all feedback be returned to the project team by Friday 15th January 2021.

Public Consultation No.2

The N3 Virginia Bypass scheme is currently at the Option Selection phase where we have shortlisted a number of options. Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions it is not possible to hold a public event at this time. Instead, we are holding an online / virtual public consultation event and a physical display of the current information. This Public Consultation No. 2 went live on 11th November 2020 and presents the shortlisted options.

Information on the Shortlisted Options is available at the following locations:

The virtual consultation has been extended and we ask that all feedback to be returned to the project team by Friday 15th January 2021.

We have a range of contact options available on the contacts page, including an online booking system where you make an appointment for an online meeting or call back from a member of the project team.