Transport Studies & Traffic Assessments
Transport Studies involve comprehensive studies of existing traffic and road networks as well as developing and assessing various strategies for improving the traffic situation for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport and general traffic within a local area.
The key purpose of these studies is to encourage sustainable mobility whilst supporting population and employment growth. It is used to guide the future transport and mobility needs of an area through the identification of strategic and local transport interventions, taking into account the transport demand arising from existing and projected development within the wider area of influence.
A Traffic & Transport Assessment is a comprehensive review of all the potential transport impacts of a proposed development, with an agreed plan to mitigate any adverse consequences.
We have over 40 years’ experience in preparing Traffic & Transport Assessments in accordance with the latest standards and guidelines. Our experience includes preparation of Traffic & Transport Assessments to accompany planning applications to Local Authorities, as well as to An Bord Pleanála as part of the Strategic Housing Development (SHD) process.
Our detailed knowledge of the planning system together with our traffic engineering and design skills enable us to recommend cost effective mitigation measures which will ensure that the development is considered sustainable from a traffic and transport point of view.