
We have a long history in designing schemes to alleviate flooding in our towns and cities.  We are providing our clients with specialist expertise in coastal flooding, flood hazard mapping, pluvial assessment, flood risk management plans and planning strategies.

For new developments we can provide site-specific Flood Risk Assessments, as required by Planning Authorities as part of the planning process.

The specialist skills we can provide include flood risk assessment and management studies, structural assessment of existing flood defence assets, geotechnical stability analysis of existing embankments, hydrogeological assessments in Karst environments, hydrological and meteorological analysis, hydraulic modelling and preparation of flood risk maps, development of flood alleviation options, preparation of Cost Benefit Analysis Reports, stakeholder Consultation including websites, public open days, design of interim and long term measures including attenuation ponds, embankments, walls, pumping stations and preparation of Maintenance Plans for flood defences.