    Environmental Assessments

    The N22 Baile Bhuirne to Macroom project includes for the construction of 22 km of a new Type 2 dual carriageway from east of Macroom to Baile Bhuirne in County Cork.

    This design and build scheme is being constructed by Jons Cradock JV. We have been appointed by the Contractor to provide services for the Tender Design, Detail Design and Site Supervision of the Works.

    The road is being constructed through challenging terrain which varies through the development from hilly remote land with rock outcrops at the western end, to low lying pasture lands to the east of Macroom and will cross a land-locked section of the Inniscarra Reservoir to the south east of Macroom.

    The project includes the design and construction of 130 structures, including crossings of the Sullane, Laney, Foherish and Bohill rivers. The scheme includes one roundabout and three compact grade separated junctions at Slievereagh at the western end, at Toonlane east of Baile Mhic Íre, at Gurteenroe, Millstreet Road and at Coolcour at the eastern side of Macroom.

    When complete, this project will improve road safety by reducing the frequency and severity of collisions, enhance regional accessibility and connectivity which will help to strengthen rural economies and communities, enable the town of Macroom to focus on sustainable transport policies to create shorter commutes and to develop safe pleasant pedestrian routes for the benefit of both locals and tourists and provide an improved public transport corridor on the N22 route.

    We have undertaken the coordination the Environmental, Landscape and Ecological design for the N22 Baile Bhuirne to Macroom Road Development Scheme. The scheme had particular environmental /ecological sensitivities including Margaritifera margaritifera (Freshwater Pearl Mussel), crossing four (FPM) catchments as detailed below

    • River Sullane (Lee Catchment) system and its tributary the Bohill River
    • River Sullane (Lee Catchment) and its tributaries as follows:
      • Foherish River
      • Laney River

    Our team of specialists coordinated the advanced works Freshwater Pearl Mussel survey by appointed Pearl Mussel expert advisor, established the baseline and construction water quality trigger levels, agreed the associated turbidity trigger levels and the establishment of 14 in situ turbidity monitoring locations and the establishment of the surface water runoff and sediment control plan.

    The scheme also had particular environmental /ecological sensitivities including Kerry Slug (Geomalacus maculosus), Lesser Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros), Otter (Lutra lutra) and Salmon (Salmo salar) all species listed in Annex II of the E.U. Habitats Directive requiring detailed environmental/ecological design considerations.

    Client: Jons Civil Engineering - John Craddock Joint Venture for Cork County Council
    Location: Co. Cork
    Value: €280 Million