    Urban Roads & Streets

    We were commissioned by Galway City Council to carry out Phases 1 to 7 of the TII Project Management Guidelines for a proposed upgrade of the Kirwan Roundabout on the N6 (Bothar na dTreabh) in Galway City.  This is an urban junction improvement scheme with over 20,000 traffic movements per day.

    The junction upgrade works involved the replacement of the Kirwan 5-arm roundabout with a 4-arm signalised junction that provides pedestrian and cycling facilities to the latest standards and requirements within an urban environment. Additionally, the scheme involved the realignment of Coolough Road away from the Kirwan Junction to form a new signalised junction on the Headford Road.

    The new junctions are fully integrated to the Galway City urban traffic management control system. The provision of the signalised junctions and the cyclist facilities creates a much safer environment for the movement of vulnerable road users in the area.

    Client: Galway City Council
    Location: Galway City
    Value: €3 Million