Mayne Road / Hole in the Wall Upgrade, Dublin

    Urban Roads & Streets

    The Mayne Road / Hole in the Wall project provides improved junctions and associated road infrastructure to link the existing Hole in the Wall Road at the south to the Drumnigh Road at the north. Two new SCATS-controlled traffic signalised junctions are provided at the crossing points of Marrsfield Avenue and of Mayne Road, with Mayne Road upgraded with an improved section of roadway on east-west arms of the new junction. The scheme provides 1.2km of new roadway as replacement of existing and in the form of new roadway.

    The scheme improves traffic movements in the area, improves road safety and aids development of lands along the route corridor and further north towards Portmarnock. It crosses the boundary and provides access between Dublin City and Fingal. It also provides segregated and off-road active travel facilities, includes Greenway facilities under a bridge structure as part of the overall Mayne River Linear Park and improves infrastructure for public transport to encourage sustainable travel.

    Our collaboration with Fingal County Council and the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government since the early planning stages to develop a comprehensive and sustainable infrastructure has turned this area into a safer urban road supporting the development and growth of the area.

    Client: Fingal County Council
    Location: Co. Fingal
    Value: €8 Million